Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sick !

Sick, drat but I hate to be sick!  Went to Portland last Thursday, Sandra and Mark went with me, main purpose was to go to church down there on Sunday last as Isaac, my great grandson was blessed and given a name.
There was a lot of sickness down there and with my imune system down I caught it!  It didn't really hit me until I got home on Wednesday.  But being home I could sit in my recliner or go to bed, what ever felt good to me. :)
Will insert a picture of my living room so you can see where I spent most of my time, this past week.
I haven't been sitting doing nothing, did a lot of "indexing"  for the census program, copying information from a film to make it more accessable to people searching out thier family history. 
As you can see this was taken in October but it worked very well in February when I was sick. :)  The Snuggy is what Cynthia and Monique gave me for my birthday, sure use it a lot!

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