Friday, April 23, 2010

Spring is Here!

Spring is here and not a minute to soon. :)  really a very nice warm day with no wind to speak of.  Arlo is out moving dirt from a hill of dirt, he is putting it through a screen to take the rocks out of it then putting it behind the garage so he can plant grass seed there.
Between shoveling there is a need to rest.  In the back ground you can see the garage, motor home and south end of the house.

You can see a little pile of dirt in the cornor of the picture, the dirt will go behind the motor home and garage so he can extend the grass.  In the back of the property you can see the arbor for the grapes and also where he plants his garden.  The big truck we use for storage.
The fruit trees in the pictures did a bang up job last year, we canned many quarts of peaches and nectarines, not so sure of this year.
Lots of work but we like where we live as far as the weather and property are concerned.  We live close enough for the kids to come visit and not be a burden as fas as distance is concerned, we live in the middle. :)

1 comment:

Marco Antonio Mendoza said...

good to see that you are still posting articles grandma