Saturday, December 19, 2009

End of day 19 December 2009

Good evening, the sun is gone and it is dark. We are sitting enjoying TV. Marco is away on business so will be late getting in. The boys are with friends so it is just Cynthia and me. John is down in his room with his conputer. He is on the second floor and we are on the third floor. Sure a lot of stair to climb :) We went to a neighbotring town for brunch this morning, went on a new freeway and it is a toll road. We ate at a little cafe, it belongs to a policeman friend of Marco's. Actually it belongs to the policeman's aunt. The food was good and a little different. It was tamales with chicken. I had a big mug of papyria juice. We also had Chicharroni which is pork with sauce. Was very good, all of it was good.We came home and Cynthia and I cleaned house then Little Marco took us to a shopping center, we were in Ace Hardware :) then a big store that was like going to Wal Mart only not quite as big. They had a lot other little stores there too but we didn't go into them.I tried some really good fruit, it was the color of an orange but hard shelled like a pomegranates and had seeds in side like the pomegranate but smaller. and was very good. I don't like the pomegranates. We also had some little bananas and they really taste good, different then the little bananas we get there. When they have them. Cynthia has two other things one is a cross with a melon and a cucumber, that was good and different. Then something that is similar to a Jiamah (sounds like Hickama) but more water in it and like it better, it is a potato of sorts and is good for diabetics. .Marco Jr. drove us to the shopping center and did a good job of it. The driving here is crazy and don't think I would ever drive here!While at the ACE Hardware seen a man with the name Oregon on his tee shirt. So spoke to him, he isn't from Oregon but from Idaho, Coeur d' Alene. He lives here now and is married to a Peruvian woman. Was nice to talk to someone from our area.
The TV here has four or five english speaking stations but this is the first time we have watched anything. There is lots of noise what with the traffic and the honking of horns. There is a market up the street that plays very loud music every morning, guess it is to let people know they are open and ready for business. :) A lot of Christmas music right now. I am posting some pictures from this mornings brunch destination. Notice the narrow streets and the gated doors to the little shops and most of all notice the mode of transportation that is used a lot here. What they are, is motorcycles with little covered seats on the backs that can carry two people, did see some that was hauling produce.
We will see what tomorrow brings.

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