Sunday, December 20, 2009

Lunch road trip to San Antonio not in Lima district

What a ride, the traffic sure is different! We were on a free way most of the way. Left the freeway and was on a narrow winding road that led up to San Antonio, will have to look up the district, just know it isn't in Lima district. after leaving the sand behind we topped over and there was the town of San Antonio and you looked down into the town and could see a lot of green. :)

The street are narrow and again you have the houses and businesses in walled and gated walls.

Think the pictures I have will say it better then I can. We came to another little town where we had lunch. Now this was not random but a place Marco has been several times and said it has been written up as one of the best places to eat in Peru.
This first picture is called The Sleeping Lion and is at the edge of the ocean.

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