Tuesday, January 5, 2010

More about LIKA (the dog)

After Dumenico bathed Lika he walked her to the Vet.  He thought Lika would really be happy about being out for a walk that it would go fast......not so...
she took her time going so took over a half hour to walk about 1 mile.  Dumenico called us to come get them as he had a dental appointment at 4 and we would be hard put to get there on time is he walked back.  So Cynthia and I drove to get them.  Now there was a problem as you can see we are standing at the back of the car but Lika just acts like she hasn't a clue of how to get up in there.  Sooo Dumenico tried to lift her but that didn't work so he tried something else..

Dumenico thought if he led her into the car she would go, but noooo that wasn't on her agenda so I got into the back seat and pulled on the lead and he tried to lift her but she would just hunker down and was just plain to heavy.  In the end we opened the back passenger door and she went right in, she knew she wanted on the seat!  Once we got back to the house she din't want to get out until she seen the other dog, Monchas, and she got out, then Dumenico got wet clothes and cleaned the back seat of the car.  We then caught a taxi to go to the Dentist, now let me tell you that was a ride and a half.  I wondered where the road went that goes up the hill west of us and we found out.  We went to the next street going North then went down that in the long run we went on more side streets and seen more of the town then we really wanted to but we did get to the dentist on time.  By the way, the Dentist is Dumenico's cousin.  Another bit of information his eye surgery was done by another cousin.  These Mendoza's have a very big family.

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