Sunday, January 3, 2010

Road trip January 3 2010

Ok here we go again :) I wanted you to see the young man looing in the window ahead of us, he is selling something.  When youstop at stop signs you will have people selling everything from something to eat to music CDs.
Dumenico was about to buy a stick with Jello on it but about that time the light changed and we moved on.

When we started out I didn't know where we were headed but it turned out we went to down town Lima and Marco took me to see the LDS Temple there.

The Temple is always closed on Sunday but there was a guard at the gate and he let us on the grounds to take pictures, we didn't go far in just enough to take a few pictures.  Yes that is me and Cynthia took the picture.

A front view from the street.

Had to get a close up of the front writing.

We went on our way East until we came to the town of Koricancha where we had lunch, on the plate above you will tiny feet and the next picture you will the head of Cuy  pronounced Cooy  which is Guinia Pig (don't know if it is spelled right).  This was Marco Sr.'s dinner and yes both Cynthia and I tasted it.  I must admit once you get around the idea of it being a pet in the USA just taste you will find it isn't bad and quite tasty.  No I wouldn't order it for myself. :)

Now you can see why I wouldn't order this dish for myself. :)

This is a view of where we ate, from the outside (road) you would not know this wonderful, quiet place was there.  Marco said it was a place more for locals.  He has been there a number of times.  Cynthia and I shared a plate of deep fried chicken pieces not pop corn chicken but not quite the same.  We had veggies with lemon juice; John had deep fried chicken but not in piecies like ours and Dumenico had a piece of chicken that looked more like a chicken fried steak but deep fried.  Then of course we had Inka Cola.  There is a green box to the left of the tree and you can see Dumenico and Cynthia standing next to the table.  This is a game that has a brass frog on the top with different holes on top and you try to get dollar like pieces into the right holes.  Dumenico says it is like America's shuffel board. :)  I remember Marco Sr. having one of there years ago, it just wasn't on the stand like this one.  You play for points.   We hated to leave as it was so quiet, cool and you could hear the river in the back ground.  We had taken our chairs over under some trees close to the river and it was really cool and relaxing.

Here is Dumenico and Marco Sr. playing the game.  On the picture it shows the 2nd of January but it is the 3rd.

We left Konicancha and headed back the way we came but at an intersection we again headed East on a different road.  We came to the town of Chosica, I took the above picture but it is to small can't read the town name so hope I spelled it right.  This is across from the town square that is green and a very nice place for a family on Sunday afternoon or any afternoon as far as that goes.

This is up the street from the picture telling the towns name.  There is a large Catholic church to the left of the picture and this beautiful Christus and several water features.  As you can see I am really wind blown as going down the road we have the windows open enjoying the cool air. 

Looking into the Plaza park.  What a relaxing day for them.

Cynthia and John at a water featcher in the Park, there is music and the water helped it be much cooler.

Another view of the fountain.
After walking around this park for about 40 minutes while we let Marco Sr. get a little nap we went to the other end and walked through the play area for the children, they had a number of rides like bumper cars on water and on solid ground, plus a couple slides and other things little kids like.
There was food, like really yummy cakes (which we didn't sample) as we had icecream sandwichs.  One thing about it a person won't go hungry as there are people everywhere ready to see you food of one kind or the other.

On the cornor up and across from the park is this LDS Chapel.
After leaving this very nice town we headed for home, what a ride, I can say I am getting used to it but can't say I enjoy the way they drive here.
When we got home we decided to try a different fruit Cynthia bought yesterday, I have a couple pictures of it so you can get an idea of it and perhaps you have even see it in one of our super markets.

Chorimoya  this is a close up of it and you can see the split, that is because Cynthia dropped it as we were getting ready to cut it. :)

A close up of the meat, it was really sweet and almost to ripe, it came apart in sections almost like a grapefruit but much sweeter.

The seeds from the fruit.
Enough for today, hope you have a great day.

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